Test sockets
Back at the clinic today after a beautiful weekend appreciating this country and its people! Today our three runners finalized their test sockets. What are test sockets? Prosthetists use a thick, clear plastic to form the first socket for the prosthesis because it is easier to see the limb contact in the device and easier to use heat to alter the fit for improved
comfort/alignment. Tomorrow morning, we will all enjoy a nice long run to confirm that the sockets fit well and then they will make definitive sockets! What are definitive sockets you ask? 😜 The prosthetists use the test socket to make a replica with carbon fiber to increase the integrity of the limb so that they patient can use it longer. Attached are the pictures of the patients practicing running drills with and without running legs. I firmly believe that patients who learn to run in their walking prosthesis first will become better runners. After all, who has time to change into a running limb if you suddenly find yourself running from a large bus!? 😜 Happy Monday!!