Evolve is headed to Ukraine

Evolve is headed to Ukraine!
Almost one year ago, I was contacted by a friend about his previous mission trip to Ukraine to fabricate prosthetic limbs for individuals living there. He was preparing for another trip and was hoping that I could attend as the focus of the trip is prosthetic running and adaptive sports. How could I say “no?” I love adventures and this sounds like a great one!
I will be travelling with a team of international prosthetists, therapists, and fundraisers to teach several individuals to run with prosthetic limbs. The trip will last two weeks, which will be tough on my family at home and on me, but it will be filled with great activities! After all, it takes 20 hours to travel to Ukraine so I’m not going to be excited to board a return plane any time soon!
When we arrive, the patients will be casted for prosthetic limbs to be made for them that week. While the prosthetists are working furiously to fabricate the limbs, I will be teaching the Ukrainian “physical therapists” how to instruct individuals to run with a prosthesis. I will also be providing pre running training to the patients that will be anticipating their limbs. The last week in Ukraine is running time! I have one week to teach them how to run properly, to manage their new limbs, to avoid injuries, and provide an adaptive sports outlet. Sounds like a fun challenge to me!
Please stay tuned for blog updates and watch on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as I will post about the trip as often as I can!
Your thoughts and prayers are always welcomed and appreciated! Here we go!