Test sockets
Back at the clinic today after a beautiful weekend appreciating this country and its people! Today our three runners finalized...

Light as a feather
Agility day! This morning we were granted access to an AMAZING track facility to practice the agility necessary to increase trust in a...

The tables have turned.
Today the Ukrainians led the exercises and ... I didn't die! 😜 I may have a different story to tell when the muscle soreness sets in...

Hitting the Ground Running
Day three at the clinic! We found a old time "weight loss" machine. Anyone remember pictures with rows of women standing on vibrating...

Education Day
Day two in the books! The day opened with some amazing lectures on advanced prosthetic rehab. Jon Batzdorff, team leader and...

Evaluation Day
Day one complete! We had the chance to tour the beautiful facility. Pictures to follow this week. We then met the local prosthetists...

We have landed in Dnipropetrovsk!
We have arrived! Most of the team met in Kiev, the capital of Ukriane, before flying to meet the rest of the team in Dnipropetrovsk. We...

Evolve is headed to Ukraine
Evolve is headed to Ukraine! Almost one year ago, I was contacted by a friend about his previous mission trip to Ukraine to fabricate...

Water and Prosthetics
Water and Prosthetics It is summertime, so bring on the water activities! Participating in aquatics with limb loss can be difficult, but...

Neuromas The nerves that are cut during an amputation will “roll up” at the end. Surgeons put the nerve under tension before cutting it...